I’ve heard a lot of people day things like the "fear of failure should not be more than the regret of not trying ", would you agree …and for someone who is afraid to fail ,how do I stop .I need a step by step guide on how to stop being afraid and give it an honest try.
22 this august
Failure is the part of life …u may not know what is best for u if you never try …
Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison (💡 ) they all were failed multiples times …still they try and one day they suceed.
Hurdles comes in every one life at every part of life …like you if play videogame🎮 you will find attacker( hurdles ) bcos without them there is no point of winning game.justplain race !! U learn u fight sometimes u fall by next time u know the technique to be safe …
Life is like.just …
So Enjoy process …destination will come soon.
Wow ,there is no pount in winning a race without hurdles…
That’s a good one mate.
You gave me something to think about, I’m grateful
Failures tells you all your weaknesses and strengths… failure makes you stronger… once you get failed you learn what you did right and what wrong so take it as a guidance in your life and move where your intuition tells you to …you should be happy to fail because you got the courage to try and give your best no matter what, that really matters and we should be proud of doing and trying it, whatever needs to be done as it was hard to do in first place … but with repeated failures you will one day see the results you waited so long for … instead of greeting feared by it… face it … they make you wise … and after facing all of it you will never be insecure in life … example you never had any failure … you will never be able to take small problem in life but with failures you learn how to manage everything and be completely secure and confident