Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

nothing prolly @idc

i’ve been trying to be happy, ive been trying to distract myself from shitty thoughts but somehow at a point they creep into my mind and boom i start to question my existence. like i don’t even want to live, i don’t see a point in that. death seems liberating. but i’m not brave enough. nothing seems fine, my life’s upside down. i hurt people, i don’t have someone who i can talk to about these things openly and not be judged, i’m unable to help people on this platform cuz my mind is so clogged. can anyone share stories where they felt this way but were able to rise from it and become stronger. that’d help. waiting for grim reaper to take me away lol ngl.

8 replies

Can I ask you one thing? Are you an intelligent person? Academically bright in school?

nothing prolly @idc



I was too and I feel the same way. I think it’s because we think too much about things that we are suffering. Play dumb and act as if you don’t understand what’s happening. I don’t know how to help you or even myself. But I’m here if you wanna talk about anything.

nothing prolly @idc

thank you. i hope things get better soon buddy<3. can’t take this anymore


Heyya there idc …itseems that you are pretty much hurt … trust me like everyone’s been ther but there are people like you who are unable to come out of it … I do understand your problem n trust this process… remember like life’s gonna get better n Ur gonna be an amazing blessing like u once we’re
Me sends u tight hugs
You’re loved n God loves you!!!

nothing prolly @idc

yeah, hope so.thanks a ton<3. sending you love as well!!


Yeah I’ve felt so a number of times and I still do sometimes. And unfortunately I have actually tried to cut my hand but I wasn’t brave enough to make it deep enough. But I realised it’s not the thing I should do I mean I live for my mom and my siblings. I thought what will happen to them if I die. Those thoughts helped. You can get out of this belive me you can do it ❤️

nothing prolly @idc

oh no mate, don’t harm yourself. hope the situation gets better. sending you love and positivity<3


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