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3am ThoughtsThought


I’ve been taking to this guy and it’s the longest most wonderful but exhausting talking stage and there are many issues I can see in the guy but I’m just so exhausted that I don’t want to start over again with another person that I might just continue talking to this guy and I don’t see this going anywhere. So all I feel everyday is pathetic.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shynee_13
12 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

So why you holding up talking to him


Because I’m stupid🤡
and he’s not like the rest of the guys I’ve talked to (like he’s not into just hooking up because we’ve been talking for a long time and he hasn’t tried anything and I’m the only other person he’s talking to) and he’s sweet.
It’s so stupid how I’m defending this but I just want a miracle to happen and for him to tell me he loves me and then we live happily ever after 😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

That’s a lot to ask isn’t it
Why don’t you open up what u want look out for your needs
Some boys need talks so just talk


I talked to him and he’s a bit not ready for a relationship but he said he’s willing to try because he doesn’t want to lose me so we’re giving it 2 months and after that either we stop talking or it’s a relationship
Thankss for your advice it really helped me and I’m now very much relieved and not feeling so pathetic
(Also I’m going to copy paste this to everyone who’s given me the same reply to this because I still don’t know how this app works)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

😂😂😂😂😂😂 enjoy


You seem to be falling into one of the biases. Since you invested your time and energy into this, you want it to work . That might be or might not be the case at the end. My humble suggestion to you would be , if he doesnt reciprocate enough, its time you move on quickly coz otherwise that would just be a big waste of time.


Yes you’re right about it all and I just want it to happen so badly that I’ve been waiting for so long


Ive been in a similar situation girl. I would say its useless to waste time on people that dont want it happen. You can talk directly, because then you will have clarity as to what you do


I talked to him and he’s a bit not ready for a relationship but he said he’s willing to try because he doesn’t want to lose me so we’re giving it 2 months and after that either we stop talking or it’s a relationship
Thankss for your advice it really helped me and I’m now very much relieved and not feeling so pathetic
(Also I’m going to copy paste this to everyone who’s given me the same reply to this because I still don’t know how this app works)


Glad to be of help 😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shynee_13

Shynee @shynee_13

I can completely relate with you. Trust me. It’s the same situation i went through. Instead of being scared to start a new chapter and go through all that all over again. You should instead give yourself some time to heal. Just because you don’t want to start all over again doesn’t mean you deserve toxicity. I chose myself. And i didn’t all over again. I am giving myself time to heal. Instead of feeling pathetic everyday. Just go through it at once and there you go. Once you leave. There’s no end to positivity that you are going to come across. Toxic people never allow you to be happy and always try to tie people with themselves not because they love you. It’s because it’s fun for them to destroy emotions and lives. Leave it. Trust me you will be okay


I talked to him and he’s a bit not ready for a relationship but he said he’s willing to try because he doesn’t want to lose me so we’re giving it 2 months and after that either we stop talking or it’s a relationship
Thankss for your advice it really helped me and I’m now very much relieved and not feeling so pathetic
(Also I’m going to copy paste this to everyone who’s given me the same reply to this because I still don’t know how this app works)


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