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I’ve been going crazy and I can’t share this with the one person I wanna share it with but just can’t because I know she will leave me. I’ve fallen for someone and we get along really well. She is very traditional and wants to move forward with involving parents but I can’t involve my parents as I was married before and my parents chose that girl for me. That girl and I divorced. And since then my parents blamed me for the divorce and said if you ever want to get married again, you will do it on your own accord.

This girl clearly told me that if my parents won’t get involved, she will end things. I don’t want it to end. I wanna be with her. I tried to talk to my parents and they flat out refused. I am a self made man and have been alone for over a decade now and take my own decisions. But this one ray of light, one chance again to feel for someone, it feels it will go away. I go days thinking about how this will go and get angry, frustrated, cry, scream and feel every other emotion :(. I just can’t think of what to do! I even bought an engagement ring… I’m at my wits. This is really killing me. I’m too scared to tell her. Because I know she will end ties.
So frustrating

3 replies

Hi,good morning
You should talk to your parents and your gf about it.Parents always understand all you have to do is convince them.put your energy in that,keep trying.have a nice day


Heyy !! I hope I could really advice you smth on this but, all I can wish for is your girl to be more understanding about this. I hope you’ve told her the entire scenario, if you guys are in love I don’t think anything else should matter. You two alone will figure out everything but together. I hope everything goes well with you. I’m here if you need someone to listen


No one will be ready to marry when parents aren’t involved. You need to talk to your parents and your girl and bring them mid way. It is fine, if something wasn’t meant to be, it’s okay if you were divorced before they should be more understanding try someone who can convince your parents maybe your uncle/ aunt if any.


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