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I’ve been cutting myself from past 3 days, and i still can’t feel anything. I just want to die

Profile picture for Now&Me member @studmaxx
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning
14 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @studmaxx

StudMaxx @studmaxx

Why ?? What happened ?
Is there anyone waiting for you ?
In the grave ?


Probably the real me is waiting for me


Cut the thoughts that made you cut yourself…I know words are not enough now…but you know hurting yourself can never solve your problems…I hope you get over whatever is disturbing your peace…


I wish it ended, but I’ve been like this for a year. I’m never going to move on. It’s better that I leave and don’t cause others any pain

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning

Mauve💜 @nam_jooning

If you think that you’re burden to others let me tell you you aren’t…and no one is hurt because of your existence…don’t end your life like that…


Nobody gives a shit about how hurt i am. They think this is fun for me. People are so shit

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning

Mauve💜 @nam_jooning

Exactly nobody cares…You’re your own savior give yourself a chance…try to live it…because that’s what we can do…live for yourself…


I never wanted to live. I remember every shit that everyone has done to me. I even remember my childhood where nobody gave a shit about me. They all were just interested in talking down on me and make me feel like shit for living this life

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning

Mauve💜 @nam_jooning

In this life everyone is like that you know…I feel it too that no one gives a shit about me and thats how it is…people will never care no matter what…so its our life we need to be the reason to live it…we can’t just end it right?? Its not that easy

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning

Mauve💜 @nam_jooning

If you want to talk we can connect


No I’m not looking for any closure. This life is shit, and i deserve the shit that i happening to me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning

Mauve💜 @nam_jooning

Okay…you deserve better…you just need to find the reason…be the reason…don’t end your life like this…


I deserve shit

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nam_jooning

Mauve💜 @nam_jooning

No you don’t…what difference does it make if you treat yourself as the same as others… rethink…give yourself time…value yourself…don’t give a shit about others because noone cares…


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