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i’ve always felt like the second choice.

always second when it came to school, never perfect. always a second away from first. always the second person to go to. always the second option to be picked to go out with a friend, and so on.

and i honestly thought i was fine with it- at least I’m not last.

my friend recently got a boyfriend - they’ve been together for like a week, but have liked each other for months. so when they got together, she was gushing over him all the time and stuff to me. i didn’t mind at first since it was cute. but…

suddenly, today she was telling me about how he was jealous of me?? and that he wanted to match profile pictures and everything with her. the problem is that her and i have been matching for years - roughly three, to be exact.

i don’t know how to tell her how i feel, but at the same time i feel like I’m making a big deal out of nothing. but the idea of how ive become a second option again makes me feel lonely.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost
5 replies

word @deepu701

You should have confessed your feelings when you had time


That guy is jealous of you or your friend?


By matching do you mean competing ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

That dude is controlling. Simple. What you do should not concern him. You’re not dating him. And your friend should know better I think. But if you think it’s genuine then only entertain it and put yourself first tho, you can find new better friends if she can’t even tell her man he can’t tell her what he friend does should be changed or whatever. Wtf is he going to tell your friend when she does something he doesn’t like. This is a weak minded man /human. It’s better if you stay away and maybe let your friend know your opinion and she can decide for herself if this is what she wants in the future. Because such people isolate you, control you and then you’re left alone only dependent on them (no matter how independent and self reliant one was/is) and they’ll consume you. So be careful. Think carefully. It’s just been a week for fk sakes

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anxius_mizlost

Deleted @anxius_mizlost

Maybe I got the idea of matching wrong.
But I’m sure you’ll get my point. That he’s already trying to take over her life, her profile pictures or whatever. It is a big deal girl. It seems like at first that it’s no big deal but slowly and after a while you’ll see that your friend does nothing of her choice, has become someone else and she’ll lose people and he will do whatever the Fk he likes. Dude believe me all this has happened to me too many times. Don’t risk your friends life, be a good friend and ask her to atleast not fall in love with him until she trusts him completely and knows who he is on a daily basis and not blindly just going with your heart. All the best my friend I hope you both get out of this guys games.
Much love and best wishes


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