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I’ve always been closed off, and I’m not sure why. Highschoolers are supposed to have fun, crushes, friends, and a chance to be myself; yet I can’t seem to trust my friends enough to do that. 
A friend once told me to share the “me”. I think he felt bad because he kept sharing his burden while I only used my ears. So I finally did and I think it turned out bad. We discussed about a teacher from our school that we hate (or annoyed) and he wished for something that I’m not comfortable with (wishing tragedies). I kinda let out my feelings too passionately and he called me “too serious on taking any situation”. We argued (more like debate) and left a conversation with an awkward end (changed the subject into homeworks). I haven’t talked to him since I apologized, even though he said that it’s in the past and not a big deal.
I don’t know what I should do. I know that I need to keep my distance like I used to do and I shouldn’t have showed the “me” like he wanted me to do. Maybe I’m just being immature or dramatic.

3 replies

Khushboo @khushboo

Hello, please don’t get demotivated. Friendship problems are in everyone’s life and we all should sort out the things at correct time. Stay positive.

Deepanshi @deepanshigupta0

Hello, please don’t get demotivated. Friendship problems are in everyone’s life and we all should sort out the things at correct time. Stay positive.

Anthony @anthony

It’s not YOUR fault that you don’t want something bad to happen to the teacher and he does…you just dont feel the same as he does…this person just doesnt make you feel that extreme…but you may be thinking that your friend doesnt feel that you are loyal all because you dont feel the same about the teacher…well…he’s not a real friend…he gave his opinion about the teacher and you gave yours…now…he can respect that or just fuck off…besides…people like him can get someone put in prison for reacting to situations without thinking about the consequences with overreacting…talking someone into doing something that could ruin lives…the little pisspot aught to do some life learning such as growing more brain cells for his future if he wants to be a man someday…you on the other hand have your life to think about…stick to real friends not bad influences.


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