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Personal GrowthThought


it’s weird to look back on your past self and the things you did back then and realize that that was YOU. even though, i feel good about the fact that I’ve grown up and know better, i still regret being a negative person in the past and part of a toxic friend group. i was mean and judgemental for no reason and i hate that some people might still associate me with that.
sometimes i feel compassion for my younger self for just being in tough situations, and i’m proud of how far i’ve come, but other times i feel guilt and shame for being the kind of person current me would not like at all. and i know that what people think of me has nothing to do WITH ME, but i haven’t completely moved on from it and am still scared of doing things in the future because i worry about what they’d think of me.
I’ve also been in really awkward situations before and have failed to prove myself in front of other people, so that doesn’t make it any better:(

5 replies

Hey… You know what we cannot let our past really affect us each and every time. We cannot judge ourselves through that horrible past which each of us have had… I would just say y don’t you forgive that younger self of yours and now you know that there were reasons for which you have taken certain decisions . You are much stronger today 🥰


Yea I regret my past stealing money being a ride person being with toxic people turning down great opportunities


Rude* person


Hang in there. 😊😊😊


Don’t let your past decide for you in the present. Past is past. Look at it like a memory lane. Whatever happened in the past cannot be changed, but ways can be mended in the present. You should first accept yourself with your past; only then others can too. Everyone commits mistakes in their past; What matters is we don’t repeat those mistakes. Evolving as a human being from time to time is what life is all about. Take care. Stay happy.


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