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its too hard to be perfect
its too hard to be myself
its too hard to be normal and not pretending,
its just too hard to live ,

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

It’s not hard to be perfect, after all who defined perfection? Perfection in true sense means being your true and best self.
That brings me to the second point, it’s not difficult to be yourself, just remember that you’re always being yourself, even in sharing this opinion here, you’re being yourself, because nit everyone has the same opinions and not everyone has the courage to share it. Remember, you’re unique, and you need to retain by retaining you’re true self. You don’t have to pretend, you don’t have to be fake, I know sometimes in front of some people we have to pretend did their happiness, but don’t be fake to yourself, don’t lie to yourself, be true to yourself, that’s it. And that’s normal. It’s not hard to live as long as you have a desire to live, and the desire should be built of happiness and self satisfaction, that is it. You deserve to live, no matter how hard the circumstances are, no matter how easy they’re. You will constantly face challenges, making your life difficult, but remember, you’re a permanent winner who will defeat these difficulties and win. Be happy, be yourself, be true to yourself, and live happily, champion!


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