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It’s so easy to get over depression! Just do (hilariously bad advice that actual depressed people are tired of hearing) and you’ll be happy!

Mf have you researched depression? Have you been depressed yourself (even if you have been, are you intelligent enough to know not everything that worked on YOU will work on them)? Insentive people can go kick rocks for all I care

This gaurav dude on here goes around telling people it’s SOOOO easy to get over depression and ‘kya ajeeb log hai’ who are depressed and honestly I’m fkn over it. Gaurav, i dare you to research on depression. I dare you to NOT talk to depressed people in a condescending way and find out what actually bothers them. I dare u to not be the absolute insensitive prick you are and be a little human. This community does not want you. Go away.

10 replies

Yesssss! I agree with you.

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Most people who believe it’s easy have never had depression. Haha ironic right? Living with depression is knowing you can’t die because it would hurt the people around you but accepting that you’ll never feel normal again. Never feel that pure happiness you once felt. You just forever chase the you before the depression which doesn’t exist anymore.

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Righttt. I just wrote a comment where someone posted ‘i feel like I’m depressed but j don’t look like it’ like what the heck man depression is not about the way people look. And the word has been so common that anyone without a clinical diagnosis use it and then the real struggling ones are just left behind. We are not saying that you do not feel tired but do not consider yourself in that term to feel seen.


Yeah man my parents are same .


The real depression will hit when you wouldn’t care even for your loved ones and the thing i say to myself is happiness will come and go but sadness and depression will always be there for me. Ppl say you are just not happy with life and i just don’t have that thing in me where i talk to them and make them understand tbh i am just a lifeless soul now. i get thoughts of ending it all. Sorry if i am saying too much but i really don’t know what i am doing


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