Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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It’s sad to realise that most of the people I know are faking it and pretending to be cool. They post mental health awareness post and when I try to talk to them actually in reality they just ignore messages and calls.
It’s sad how we can’t share how we actually feel to a friend or a family member.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geckotung
5 replies

True!! Even if we talk about our worries, at some point they will get frustrated too, which makes us feel like not talking with anyone right now. Am glad that this website is made for s to share whatever we feel like. Even if I have someone with whom I can share, I observed that they are not interested anymore in my talks. It’s okay, it happens, maybe we would do the same too, we don’t know right. At least we can share here.


Reality check🙂
I always take extra efforts to listen to my close friends and check on them time to time…but when i try to talk about myself…the things I’m feeling they just brush it off…nobody is there to listen…they will just laugh…or give replies “hmm” “acha” after i writeee a whole paragraph. I guess I’m the one who is not good enough :) i hate myself :)


Yes I have similar experiences. I used to feel really sad and hurt. But I these days I’m keeping all my feelings to myself. It’s really overwhelming sometimes. :(


If u want u can share with me
We talk if u like bro

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geckotung

I mean- A lot of people fake having these problems-
Look at the amount of sympathy you get from just observing this.
And some people have genuine problems but twist themselves into thinking that oh- it’ll hurt someone. And to be honest it feels good having a “problem” to excuse what you’ve done. I’m not saying there aren’t genuine people out there with problems. Lots of people are genuinely in a bad place.
I’m just speaking from firsthand experience and addressing the reality of it.

Always playing the devil’s advocate



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