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Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

It’s sad that people prefer to be with “all time high energy” peers than mentally suffering ones

Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio
13 replies


Profile picture for Now&Me member @midnight_thinkr

Vyom Aran @midnight_thinkr

I try to be with both but I have seen what you’re saying and it sucks and have thought about it enough.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio



There’s nothing wrong with preferring all time high energy people over those with mental issues, they chose that boundary for themselves. Sometimes people do that because they themselves can’t be of much help to those with issues.


That is toxic


No it is not. You are unhappy because they didn’t chose you . People with mental issues , at times are difficult to deal with. (I know because I personally am one ). You gotta let it be. It’s better to work on mental issues than to worry about it.


I am unhappy because a friend will choose* to be with me when I am at high energy but avoid me when I’m suffering. That is selfish and harmful. If one does not want to be around a suffering person then be honest and point them in the direction of help at least


Well that case is different from what the post try to suggest. If your friend was with you in good times , your friend should be with in bad times. If they aren’t, they aren’t your friends. I think we can both agree on this.


Yes agreed 🤝 How do you work on mental issues btw?


1. Take help if necessary (I mean therapy )
2. Stay away from things that caused those mental issues in first place.
Remember it’s a time consuming process and there would be setbacks. Don’t get bogged down coz of it and keep working, one day at a time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratio

:D @pratio

This is exactly what I mean


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