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It’s really hard for me. I know days have been already passed. And issue was solved but it still pinching me a lot like why did I met and why the things reflected in wrong way. May be it might be my mistake. But I really don’t have any bad intention. Iam really tired of this thing. I don’t want to communicate with the person but still have to have to do it.baring all the things and those overthinking and negative thoughts were really hard.And making feel everyone that Iam happy but inside feel difficult. It really sucks😭😭.
I want move out from the place as much as quickly.
Iam sorry.

2 replies

I really can feel you and i am also trying to get out of something but it is just to hard to let something go at present moment i am just ignoring it because so afraid to get into it even to get rid of it living with it seems easier then get this out from me but all this easy things only will increase the burden on my chest nd so yours get this out it will have consequences maybe yu will lost people or thing but don’t think of only present or maybe for a second think what yu are feeling nd are you happy or satisfied with this


Exactly feeling and going through same bro.
Hope we must get from this.


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