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Suicidal IdeationThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @coleisneat

Cole Smith @coleisneat

It’s over. I am unable to talk to anyone about my problems, when my parents separate I will be stuck with one of them, but then loneliness when i’m old enough to leave them. It will never get better. I will not ever get better. There is no sugarcoating it, there is no argument, i’m only carrying on because my body will not let me kill myself. I am left to walk this dreary existence for eternity. My oxygen has run out as I finish typing this, and the cold, unforgiving vacuum of space will take me now. Goodbye.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @theunicorn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @coleisneat
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @theunicorn

Koko @theunicorn

Dude can we connect. Let’s talk it out

lowlyforager69 @lowlyforag...

I have gone through a similar condition
a couple years back. I have witnessed the gaping low back then and all those emotions and feelings stapled with the situation.
I did feel the same as you are feeling currently.
I can neither promise nor console you with all my confidence, that everything is gonna be okay but all i could tell you is to stick around and see the end of everything as you have already witnessed the beginning of all the shit that went down!
I don’t know much because I am also going through some ugly scene
All I have to offer is a piece of advice
And that is
Whatever your parents do regardless of what shit they dragged you through, it doesn’t define you as a human.
In the future all this will just be a fleeting memory!
Everything is a fleeting memory atleast it becomes like that later!
So just hold on and get involved in things that takes your mind off of things that are unnecessary!
You are what matters everything else is just smoke!
You cannot control others nor have leash on their actions
All you can look after is you.
Feel everything, turning your back on things just makes it worse.
Peace ✌️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @coleisneat

Cole Smith @coleisneat

I’m sorry you had to go through that.

lowlyforager69 @lowlyforag...

And I am sorry for you too
Nobody should go through this!
For now just focus on yourself brother!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @coleisneat

Cole Smith @coleisneat

There is nothing to focus on, I am sorry.


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