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Its not just related to work but in general.When someone kinda rudely/openly responds to me I get offended.I do feel I got ego problem but I am trying to get rid of it somehow.Today my colleague asked me if I am ok with menu X for the snacks,I thought there is an alternative menu as well so I asked him about it.He rudely replied that is the only option and choice is yes or no.
I ended up saying no because I got offended.
I even planned to never join any more snacks party even if my share is also in the budget.
Why do I get so overwhelmed at so small differences? Why can’t I assertively respond? Why can’t I remain calm after such differences in communication?

3 replies

I am also someone who sometimes just retorts back immediately. I think the solution to this is, that I have now recognised who genuine people are. Meaning, if there is a certain set of people that I trust and have known long enough to understand that if they’re saying something that I might not like, or that I may consider rude, they’re not doing this intentionally. However, when I was in college, I had these friends who just didn’t know what the proper polite way to speak to people is.

So, I think in your case, just recognise if you’re treating everyone the same way or just those that you do not get the right vibe from. And even with those people, it is easier to just accept that theyre probably going through their own shit and maybe that’s why being rude, so best to just listen, breathe and ignore for own self peace


you are more violating me saying i treat others the same way,you just judged me too quick!If I were that kinda person I am honest to myself not to post such issue here


I never said you treat others the same way. I was asking you this question that what do you think that do you feel annoyed with everyone (because you write “in general” in start of your post) or do you feel annoyed by few people only ? I’m not trying to judge you, i’m trying to understand and help by comparing your situation with mine, that is it


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