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3am ThoughtsThought


It’s like the walls are caving in, the medicine is not strong enough. Been difficult to breathe with high functioning anxiety even a tiniest bit bothers like a big issue, trying to just hold back so I don’t take impulsive step…

Don’t know what is next?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @svenstar
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @svenstar

Shelley @svenstar

When I have anxiety attacks, especially at night when I’m trying to sleep and can’t t shit my brain off, I have two go to’s to try to stop spiraling. First is to count backwards from 100 without any intrusive thoughts breaking through. A little one, ignore it. A big one, start over where you can last remember before the thought got through. I also will try listing everything I’m grateful for. If you’re having trouble with thinking of things, go basic, like electricity, the internet, shoes. You still will probably feel anxious, but for me it brings the level of panic attacks down a few notches most of the time.


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