Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Aakifah @kifah

It’s like my brain is clogged
Everything seems foggy
I want to do things but I don’t have the energy in me to do them
I am pushing people away from me
I am not being productive
I feel so useless and lonely

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sofiamckenzie
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sofiamckenzie

sofiamckenzie @sofiamckenz...

Been there buddy, the sudden wave of awareness that you haven’t been much productive scares you, hence the over flooding thoughts and clogging. Try having a basic schedule to practice following it, and once you feel like you can be more productive, then add more chores to the table. Feel free to ask any questions, and I hope this helped :)

Aakifah @kifah

Thank you I will definitely try that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sofiamckenzie

sofiamckenzie @sofiamckenz...

Happy to help! :)


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