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it’s just so sad when he doesnt care anymore. i feel like giving up but im too scared of hurting and grieving (although i am). but losing someone dear is just too painful to handle. i keep blaming myself; maybe i dont appreciate him enough, maybe i am the problem, maybe i said something i shouldnt? but he wont communicate. i tried my best. i did. but am i too late?

3 replies

It’s not about being late… Its the understanding which nourishes the relationship… If u have the constant feel of did I hurt him, did I say something wrong…, etc then ull be living ur life in constant fear… You guys should have clear communication… Else it is difficult to live a life in a fear.

Have a good day!!!


The feeling you are going through is really something that’s eats up. But if you have tried everything from your side. Give a last one more try of meeting him of still you feel the same it’s like hurting yourself. Give some time and space let it be there you have to go through this process,decide and move on if you feel like doing what makes you happy


Hey it’s not always your fault and he likes then he should also do effects


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