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It’s hard to be poor among rich friends…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

It is 😅
Watching them having everything
It’s kind feel jealous
And then hanging out with them is worst cuz whenever they pay your bills you feel embarrassed 😓😓😓


It’s more embarrassing when we go to a restaurant and I only can buy one drink the entire time and they eat like 3 course. :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

They r good friend or not ? How is there nature?


They are good. It’s me who don’t fit in the group.

Online talking is awesome but in person different

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

You got nice friend’s they’ll understand you that’s why even you can’t pay the bill they won’t leave you alone cuz they see friendship not money’between this but still maintain the distance don’t go with them everytime they eat make excuse and then if they force you they go with them


I mean they are kind and I love them but I can’t do things they used to. i got them expensive gifts(expensive for me to afford) to make them happy but when it comes to me I don’t get anything.




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