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Profile picture for Now&Me member @soha

Soha @soha

It’s crazy how having a little bit of faith in someone can make them do great things. Just letting someone know that you believe in their capabilities to achieve something gives them just the right amount of boost they need to get it done or get through it. Feels nice reading it? It’ll feel even better when you tell someone close to you that you do have faith in them and you actually watch them grow. Now hold on to that thought. It does feel good to watch your loved one grow… So why not have that faith in yourself and watch yourself grow too?
Hope you are able to get over or achieve whatever you want… Because someone has faith in you… And you should have it too.πŸŒΌπŸ’•

Profile picture for Now&Me member @soha
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @soha

Soha @soha




So lucky are your friends to have such a wise soul with them. I crave for such vibes in my life.


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