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Diya @burnt_sitelove

It’s better to be alone…I do and I don’t agree. Today being honest ,I’d gathered alot of courage to understand myself. Idk who I am. Like I’d go to different people and treat them like they are too precious to me. And the every next minute be like…who are they in my life and if I go back to them…I’d treat them special. I don’t like this behavior of mine. I’m 18 and had already started doing smoking and sometimes drinking. It’s bad and I too don’t like it because I feel it consumes my time but then also I end up getting into such things. I would day dream all the things that’ll never happen. Am i lost or do I pretend to be lost…idk. Sometimes…stone hearted and sometimes be like…it hurts me too, Don’t cry. This behavior makes me feel like ending my life too. But yes ending won’t make things better. But I can’t imagine how much it’s draining me off. Lying is like a common habit that I’ve adapted with the beginning of this new year…I do exactly opposite of the things that I think or plan. It’s bad. I know but I really Don’t know. Sometimes I feel too attached to Her but when she’s gone…feel like idc for her and if I see a sudden msg of 1 of my friend…I feel I love her. Idk why is this happening. Now it’s actually more than enough. I’m tired to lie everyday. Lying to myself, to everyone. Nowadays my relationship with everyone is at the lowest. But Idc…maybe I do. I’m Hating this double sided behavior of mine. Somedays are like…I’m depressed and other days…let me live my life. Fake scenarios and a false world is my safe place but that’s the biggest lie. It won’t happen in this life. I know many would feel that I’m mad but I had these questions in my mind…please let me know if you know, it would be a great help…(it really took so much courage to speak what really I am. No Lying here)
1…is it related to any mental health condition?
2…should I visit a psychiatrist?
3…is it called manipulation?
4…will everything be alright again?..thank you for reading this and I’m sorry for taking your time.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivay_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivay_

Shivay @shivay_

Heyy are you alright.
The thing is I guess you should talk to a therapist once.
There are things which you are not able to sort it out. Like all the drinking and smoking and those day dreaming and lying, I suppose they are working as a distractions for you.
Like there are somethings which you wish to accept but it’s getting hard for you to accept…
Likewise you wish to be close and connected with your friends and family. You wish to be with them whenever they need you but at the same time you’ve been hurt so much that the moment you feel love and care towards them your heart remember all the pain and hurt. And the very next second you become indifferent to the love which you were feeling.

I wish and hope you overcome the things which are bothering you and accept yourself as who you are.
All the more power, love and peace to you ✨✨

Diya @burnt_sitelove

Thank you for reading this long post. And yes I’d go to a therapist once. I can relate your words to me and would love to change myself in a positive way.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

I think it’s a fair assessment which you have done. To start with just be yourself, go outside in park ,and do physical exercises… learn meditation from a decent place to calm your mind. Once you are settled with yourself, you will do wonders. Stay true to yourself. Wish you good luck. Consult a counselor if needed.

Diya @burnt_sitelove

I’d stick to it sir. And would like to change and live in a good and positive way. Thank you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra

Dr. Apurva M. @apurva_mehr...

When you feel you should visit a psychiatrist. It’s usually the first sign that you should.

Diya @burnt_sitelove

I’d visit the psychiatrist Ma’am.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @apurva_mehra

Dr. Apurva M. @apurva_mehr...

Good for you.😊
I hope it helped

Diya @burnt_sitelove

Yes ma’am


Hey diyaaa r u the one?

Diya @burnt_sitelove

Yes sir


Hi diya how r u?

Diya @burnt_sitelove

Hope so…idk really 😕😔


Can i send u request diya?


R u there??

Diya @burnt_sitelove

Yes sure

Diya @burnt_sitelove



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