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It’s been three months since me and my ex broke up. It seems so little but in my head I feel like it’s been a year. The pain has made it feel that long. We’ve talked and it was almost nice to just see him again. That best friend that would always be here. But I still reached out to seek a comfort. A comfort he did not reciprocate in. He’s done with it. Done with me. And as painful as it is, I can’t keep holding onto him. I need to let him go. I tried to see if I can meet other people. But it’s almost impossible. Something that I learned from my ex is that I want to feel protected and loved to no end. But also that I wasn’t really attracted to him. I love how he was in the beginning, kind and attentive, but it’s hard to say I was physically attractive to him. Which sounds mean, I’m aware. I think he started to feel like I didn’t love him in this way, but he never did tell me this. But I don’t like lying to myself when it comes to this regard. I tried to go on dating websites to the attraction that I prefer but have yet to meet anyone who isn’t so quick to throw me into the trust box. I don’t want to be tested. I get scared and mess everything up. It’s frustrating. I’m so tired of everyone telling me that things take time and that it’ll happen. I’m so tired of always feeling like crap.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

Hey…don’t worry and overthink about it too much.

You must understand one thing…it’s not always about looks but i understand, sometimes that’s how we are genetically modified…we go for the looks just like the bird kingdom 😅 But it’s also about a person’s character and his care towards you and his intent to be with you till death. There are many aspects to a long lasting relationship and physical attraction usually starts fading away after some time in almost all relationships. So it’s important to hold onto something else attractive in that person instead of continuously looking for a physically attractive guy along with good characteristics which is a hideous task but you must be lucky to have everything you wanted in a person. The beauty of this world is that no one is perfect, but still if we want to love them - we can, that’s our choice but whatever choice we make…we must not be compulsive so that we don’t regret later.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

In the end, it’s your choice who you want to be with and if you wanted a physically attractive guy…go for it but be transparent and tell these things to your current partner instead of hiding it. And whatever happens, always be good friends…try to talk, be open and understand each other and also what your desires are… accordingly take decisions mutually. Take care 🧡


Oh trust me, I know it’s beyond looks. But I really want that extra step that really attracts me to that person. I want that extra love that it’s just beyond anything and every time I feel like I am reaching it — something happens and I’m back to the beginning. Like a dream that I have woken from. It’s hard to remain positive after that.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

Hmm right. I understand.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

Meet and know many men with whom you feel attraction. You have 80-99% probability that 1 in 15 or 20 will be more loving and protective.


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