Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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- It’s been so many years since I was introduced to this mysterious world. I’m truly grateful about whatever happened to me in the past… whoever are there in my life , have been in my life. They helped me introduce to this new me and helped me to improve each day .
- Some days are productive and some days are gloomy… yet life has to move on… I always do what others do. I always want to have something that’s most happening in the world. Lately I’m realising that this is not how I achieve the truth/purpose of my life. I need to do something not something some big thing ummm… not big thing but something satisfying to make my soul and heart calm and fullfil my quest. Don’t take me wrong here. It means that to find my purpose in this world… to add value to all beings that live in this world. Especially add value to my own life.
- But In this world , money is everything ,… no no don’t get me wrong. Everything both material as well as emotional comes now only with money.
- You may not agree with the previous line but it’s quite true because everyone wants money and happiness but no one wants to give it to others. Everyone has become busy with their own lives … with their own challenges that there is no such thing as Happiness these days.
- So In this quest I want to explore myself… I want to know what I want to do with my life … I want to know more about me… See Right from my childhood I’m doing just what the world is doing… I’m not sure If I’m liking it or not but I’m just doing. But yes sometimes it only helps you get comfortable life style that you aimed for . so that’s why I’m grateful…
- Sometimes I just feel that wouldn’t it be nice if we are not bound by relations… families… etc because after lockdown happened I realised that it’s difficult to handle family responsibilities… it’s difficult to take care of our own health and take care of family’s health with people ranging from being fearful to being stupid .
- Sometimes I’m just scared of my father … Not sometimes almost all the time. Probably some of the habits I inculcated like eating fast food, anger , not thinking before doing are because of him. I just want a world full of positivity and peace…
- Is that possible By The way? if so how can we do that ?

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