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It’s been one year and I still miss my ex what should I do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Nothing you need to move on meet new peoples and also make new memories too


U shared 365 days with me… Its fine to miss him and memories which u shared. But u can’t let this hold u back from the future… Hope u meet ur eligible prince soon


it takes time but you have to move on. it may seem harder right now but as time goes on it will be better, all you have to do is accept and learn they are not there in your life anymore


relationships are something hard to let go of, but you have to remind yourself why they ended.

I like to think that if you have some memory bothering is because in some way you have some unfinished business or feelings.

The best way to overcome this is to write down everything you ever wanted to say to him/her/that person. be detail, let it all out like you can go back in time.
you can rather give this to the person as a way of ending that business right there right now or you can dig a hole and leave that thought to the universe.
I know it sounds stupid but writing down your thoughts and confronting them would help you get everything that you are overthinking out.

And like most people would probably say, meet new people be open to new friends but have this in mind, you are not replacing him because you are going to feel sad/o are going to give him the importance that at this moment he/she doesn’t deserve.
You are doing this for yourself, you and only you.

You got this and everything is going to be alright!
love you


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