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It’s been more than 20 months that my ex has broken up with me … I am still stuck in the past …I’ve been trying for last one and a half year to move on but just when I think I am making any progress … I find myself at the starting point…and today I made the mistake of looking at his insta profile and I saw that he has already found his love again…It broke me again …I don’t want to feel this …just wanna get away from everything…and there seems to be no escape…I feel like I am trapped.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

It hurts right? Like even after all this time, it still does. And then comes all the “what-ifs” scenarios. Those are a pain, real pain. And then the self blame. Overall a very shitty situation to be in. And then there is this search for a closure, which never happens.
I have been there where you are now. For the first few months it was just the void that was getting to me.
The major part of my day was with her. And then when she left, there was this emptiness.
I guess you are also feeling the same. I will say time heals all, but then that would be a half truth.
But one thing that I’m sure of is, you will be okay. Focus on the good times that you guys spent together, the happy moments. Cherish them. And forgive and forget.

If you still feel the need to talk to someone, we are here. I wish you all the best.


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