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3am ThoughtsThought


It’s been lonely for a while now ! Feel lost in crowd ! Very little good friends I thought I had strong bonds with also never really cared about me ! Some days they use make feel important and use to care about me but seems like they cared about everyone they meet coz they wanted network with more people and never cared about me later

It’s really painful having no friends.
Each day passes by hard

19 replies

I agree, even I’ve also been to a situation like this. I do had v good friends who now only wishes me on bday😂. Funny. But I still love and miss them anyways.
Genuinely, please focus on yourself in every way possible, as if accept that where you’re lacking in behaviours, work on them. And accept that nobody gives a shit about you. There are only few with whom your vibe will match. Just keep them.

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As of now there’s none whom I vibe with


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