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3am ThoughtsThought


It’s been a while. I thought I had already moved on. Why is it so hard to move on? I just meet him for 6 months. And it’s been 8 months already since the last time we said our goodbyes, but why does the pain still here? Why I can’t move forward? I thought I’m already ok. But there are still some nights I woke up crying 😔🥺

14 replies

Rowing in the same boat as you… I was about to post about and saw urs… Guess it takes lot of time to get over loved ones😐


Tara shot (let’s have a drink 🤣) we well got this 😊


He he sure… Would love to… Just have to get through this horrible feeling called pain


Kidding! I don’t drink 😅 let’s just have some water 🤣 will be ok in time 😊


Sure thing… Even I dint drink😀



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Sorry I have to translate it 😅 we will be ok in time 😊


I am there too. I had a crush on someone for few months and it’s been more than a year that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. What has helped me get better is that remember his bad sides. How he treated you, why you guys not together. Sometimes we put them on a pedestal and forget they did bad things too.


But still good memories haunt you… Thats the problem😐


Then you’ve to remember the bad memories too. I know it sounds dumb but it is how we’ll lessen the pain.


You are right… I hope things get better soon…

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You can’t stop loving someone… The only thing you can do is slowly push them from the first to the last priority it’s not easy I know I had breakup too but in my case I concentrated on the things I love to do or the work I love to do In order to ignore that person and don’t be alone be with your friends crying is ok you can let it out loud… Remember that you have to ignore him/her not your feelings like if you wanna cry about that just do it… And the work that you love to do will help you in two ways 1.helps to ignore him/her 2. It will make you tired enough to put you in a good sleep… So… You can always say goodbye to those 3Am thoughts


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