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It’s been 6 months since the break up…i have come a long way from the place I used to be at. Picking up what’s left of my pieces and sticking them back up. Days are much better…but yet I can’t get over the happy memories cz they keep hitting like flashbacks every now and then. I maybe smiling at one moment, being happy as ever and then it suddenly hits me and I realise that there’s nothing to be done about these memories. In these 6 months I have seen people give up on me, knowing for a fact I wouldn’t have given up on them. There is peace in my heart but its also due to the loneliness thats close to me heart now. Tomorrow’s another day so I’ll get back up and take it on me chin…trying to make this world a place worthwhile.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_xsalil22
4 replies

Alice Nimu @twinny

It’s a slow process that you can’t escape but you’ll get through it with time

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @_xsalil22

That is really honest and beautiful way to look at the situation
More power to you🤍✌🏻


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