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It’s 8:40 am IST and I woke up and miss my ex so much. We had breakup last month. Idk what to do.

3 replies

I think she/he must not be the right one …and chances are u were not happy ,thats why a breakup. All these pains r part of life which checks how do we handle stress. Life tests us. Ultimately what matters how strong we have been in this journey. And imp is how smoothly we sail through this as we need time and enery for our aims and goals in life. ALWAYS CHOOSE, to get lost and depressed or take charge of your life. Be wise, learn from mistake. Select a partner more wisely next time. Though no guarantte in this world. But still we stand ,we stand with strenth,


This is gonn live in my mind rent free


Thanks…I’ll keep this in mind.


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