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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


It’ll be hypocrite for me to say that I enjoy and am comfortable being single at this age like what I told people. I feel… lonely. I’ll graduate from university soon but I have no experience in dating or being close with someone particular, when most of my friends do.
I am lonely. But I don’t know why it’s hard for me to admit that I really am lonely. I feel like it just makes me sound miserable :(
I know that we don’t need boyfriends/girlfriends to stop feeling lonely because we have friends, families, others… but still, it’s different :(

Now I do sound really miserable, don’t I πŸ˜‚

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cloud274
5 replies

I was going through the same during my last year of college and out of desperation I started dating a guy even though there were red flags but since I had no experience I went on with dating.
And it turned out to be a not so good experience. From that I’ve learnt that I’ll just wait to be with someone i really like even though it might take time.


Yeah it gave me a lot of trust and anxiety issues. I dont think i want taht again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cloud274

Cloud @cloud274


It can be hard, especially when you see how others are enjoying their relationships. But I think what you can do right now is just treat yourself how you wanted to be treated in a relationship, go on dates with yourself, buy flowers for yourself, do a spa night, really take your feelings and wishes into consideration. Try and do things that you would like.
This way you will not settle for anything less and you will know what are your preferences, interests.
And don’t worry, everything happens right on time. Stay strong!


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