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Self LoveThought


It takes courage to be yourself in a world where you are constantly told that who you are isn’t enough. being yourself is the biggest gift you can offer yourself and others. Be brave enough to show the world who you are without an apology.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mymindisamess
5 replies

True but its kinda difficult when people who love the most makes you feel like you’re not good enough 🥲


Then I don’t think you should be concern about their opinions. if your friends or boyfriend/ girlfrined makes you feel in this way then I don’t think you are with the right people. And if it’s your family, then all you can do is try to make them understand your pov. we can reduce the generation gap but we can give our opinions. that’s it. NEVER STOP LOVING YOURSELF. Because the end of the day all that matters is you and only you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mymindisamess

Karan Parmar @mymindisames...

But what if my family and friends are right! This is where im skeptical about the whole concept of we should not care about others opinion. We actually need some feedback and the validation from our close ones gives that sense of belonging and security and i know we as humans evolved but still our brain is kinda wired lke this ki we need that group and sense of belonging to feel secure and safe😬


i am not saying don’t consider your friends and families opinions. all i am saying is don’t sacrifice yourself for others. there are thousands of people judging you like you don’t fit into this world. no matter what you do you can’t make everyone happy but at the end if you love yourself if you care about your opinions if you do whatever your heart say you will be happy. if that’s a bad decision you will fall but will get a lesson if that’s a good decision you will get success. whatever happens only you will have to face it. you feel secure or not that will also be your decision. listen to everyone’s opinion but do whatever you feel right. That’s self love and that’s what i am talking about.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mymindisamess

Karan Parmar @mymindisames...

Ouu cool, i got it!! Thanks mate:)


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