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It might sound silly but i really need to tell someone about this .

So i don’t know what I am going to do in future, like i don’t know what to do or what i should or should not do , i don’t even know what i can or can’t do. I don’t know what i want and what i don’t. I always feel like i will never be as good as other, i have no talent or anything. I act like i don’t care but deep inside i do. Even though I am a teenager i have seen how the world really is how the people in world are , i know how unfair life is And the people are the worst. No matter how much you try they won’t be satisfied , they will call you lazy , useless, future less mistake , etc… and when you try to say something about it thay will scold you for talking back

I don’t know what to do or anything i just want to live happily and be good enough (even though i know it’s impossible)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @xie
3 replies

You are still very young, you have a lot of time to figure things out, so dont stress about it, concentrate on studies and work hard for a better future rest of it will automatically fall into place, dont think too much about what others think, you will realize in the future it doesnt matter at all what they think, you have to feel good about yourself, that is what matters…when you succeed later on in life, the same people who criticized you will come to you for help, so dont give much value to peoples criticisms…you focus on whats important for you…


I can understand and highly relate to what you are feeling . I had the exact same feeling as well, being an average student and only listening music in the name of hobbies I’ve been called useless by my parents and teachers million times and I started doubting myself and my potential but from my experience let me tell you this, you are wayyyyyy better than what you can even imagine, never doubt your potential. Keep learning, keep doing what you love ❤you’ll go great. Good luck 🍀

Profile picture for Now&Me member @xie

Xie @xie

I agree. I feel the exact same, afraid and sad because I don’t know what to do with my future. But like how this amazing person is telling you, you’ll figure it out, the answer will come and you’ll find you are better than you expect. I firmly believe and agree with this,


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