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3am ThoughtsThought


It makes me so mad that my scars heal too fast. They b3aten me up the whole day and like after 3 days all the mark’s go away. No one believes me because i don’t have scars to show to them. I really hate living this life. Nothing helps me anymore. 😣

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geetha_raman
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostghost
26 replies

Kisne mara apko mitr


Can you talk in english pls :(


Okay friend who beat you


Can you tell full incident behind this who is that person which is beating you is it your boyfriend or husband?


At school there is a girls’ group. They are bad. Really bad. They smoke and always so rude. I don’t like them. But they makes me buy those thing’s for them if i say no they beat me. I can’t do anything to defense my self. They are around 20 girls and I’m alone. I have told teachers about it but they never believe me


So those girls are in same class in which you are or in different class and have you told about this things to your sister


That’s society bruh
If in case it was vice versa then he’ll be punished by govt society your school every mf around you


I think I’m gonna drop out 😣


Not at all bruh never ever think like that
Instead just calm down and male yourself a worth that they gonna sorry you
They need to drop out not you


What can i even do. They have connections with everyone. Teachers and everyone adore them.


Why don’t you change your school…?


Hey why don’t you take pictures of your scars? N show it to your teachers…


Do you live in hostel or with your parents?


I have tried it. They literally mocked me and said, "Why don’t i try harder to spread false rumors 😿


I lives with my sister and her husband


What? When you show them the proof how can they say like that? Leave the teachers, go to the principal and show them the pictures


Tell your sister, she will visit your school and will complain


But I’m so scared. What if she also doesn’t believe me


Show her the scars, and she is your own sister, why will she not believe you?


Okay. I’m going to tell her tonight. I hope she will believe me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostghost


Let me know what happened!! You are not going to deal with this all alone this virtual sister will get you out of this situation no matter what, if you need to talk anything more connect and message me 🙌


Did u tell her? What happened?


Yes. I did. She got so mad at that bad students. And we went to school office to complain about it. And after that i got suspended for weeks 🥲😥

Profile picture for Now&Me member @geetha_raman

Geetha R. @geetha_raman

Close your eyes, and I am sure that you will be able to think of that one person who you can trust. It could be you, yourself, or other around. It’s time to stand up for yourself by being assertive. Pull up your courage, speak up & report. I would be glad if you could get back.


Thankyou 🥺


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