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Meher Singh @mehersingh0

It is really really really nice to have a good teacher/mentor. Nobody has the kind of impact a good teacher has on you.
I am having online classes right now and I wasn’t doing well at the beginning. I was lazy and ignorant, didn’t pay attention in class. Plus, I was doing other things alongside (attending camp, writing on my blog) and wasn’t able to manage my time efficiently. My marks deteriorated, and I felt extremely resentful. My math teacher, however, had faith in me and told me that I could always improve and get better. It was because of her that I worked extremely hard for my mid-term exam. I remember being really stressed, and nervous and crying over a few problems at 2 in the morning. When I got my math paper results, they were pretty good. I lost just 1 mark over a silly mistake, but my conceptual understanding was great and all my hard work paid off. In class, when we were discussing our doubts and related queries, ma’am didn’t exactly acknowledge my marks (or just didn’t get the time to talk to me and discuss my progress with me). I felt underappreciated and as if, whatever I had done wasn’t enough. I really wanted to know what SHE thought about it and if she felt that I had gotten better, so I texted her, asking exactly that. She didn’t write back to me.

Instead, she called me personally, and told me that she was extremely happy with how well I had done and that I should be celebrating too. She reminded me that I was a star and that she very much appreciates the work I had put into this. She also remembered the time I texted her late, regarding a doubt that could have been solved the next day, but she chose to call me and explain it to me till I was completely clear.

For those who have wonderful teachers, be grateful,
and for those who don’t, know that there are still caring and understanding teachers in the world.
No other teacher in my school has ever put that much effort into making sure that we are clear with our doubts and concepts, and are happy/stress-free. We are unable to meet, and so, everything happens online. This is already an ordeal for teachers, since they have to put in so much extra effort. But the fact that my teacher took my calls, took time out to clear my doubts, and spared her break between classes, to make me realize my worth and acknowledge my efforts, means a lot. And I will always appreciate that, even later in life.

1 reply

Hey. I totally agree with what you just said. There are some genuinely amazing teachers out there. And everyone will find theirs one day. We have so much to learn from them. And the pain they take, to help us out in different aspects of life is commendable. They truly are gems. Because their concern, care and love for us is irrespective of how casually we take them. They’re the real hero’s behind our success.
Also, extremely proud of you for working hard and passing with flying colours. Congratulations:)


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