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It is really hard, years passed, yet I still don’t know if I moved on, or on the process of moving on, or not even doing anything to move on. I feel like waiting again…, waiting for something that’s probably not going to happen.

3 replies

Totally relate with u
It happens…
Matters of heart
Can leave us totally broken or shattered…
Love is such an intense emotion
Not easy to overcome…
Emotional attachments donot fade so easily…
It takes a lot of time to heal
Sometimes after healing too scars are left…
Be strong
Pls donot overthink
Pls stay engrossed
Give urself n life a second chance…
You are a sensitive n emotional person that is why it is happening…
God bless you…
Take care
Stay safe.


Yup, you’re right. It is never easy to overcome… which is somehow tiring. But, I’ll assure myself that this scars would probably my biggest lesson and motivation in life. And yup, I’ve been going with the flow, but I think I need to go more. Yes, yes, I will try my all to keep going on my life and turn it into a better place. Thank you so much. God bless you and your soul. Keep safe, and stay being positive in life :)


Thanks for ur time n sweet response
Means a lot …
Try to smile
N stay happy…
U can do it
U will do it…


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