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It hurts when you see someone avoiding you (whom you genuinely care for and love so much) and it hurts even more when they say that they’re completely fine and not avoiding you. Can’t deal with something like this presently.

14 replies

It hurts even more when they give the simplest of excuses as to why they’re avoiding you like it takes forever to send a text to say whatever is going on with them. But it hurts most when they admit to avoiding you, that is simply unbearable


Yeah I get you

Karthikk @karthik18

It’s very sad that we can’t get a Caring friend like we do.😕


Yes💔 it hurts

Karthikk @karthik18

So, wait for that one friend who can care you soo much no matter what others think…
If u get him/her never loose em…


Yes thanks for helping

Karthikk @karthik18

Better to keep yourself calm coz it’ll help you not to fall into depression n anxiety…
And keep your self busy as much as possible…


Yeah will try to


THIS. Literally experiencing this rn. Almost makes me want to cut ties with him for my own sake.

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