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It hurts when you do everything for someone and they treat you like shit.
How do you even say that you love me when you are so self centred. You hurt me with your words then expect me to just accept your all words 'cause you think I am dumb and you are smart. Irony is still I am more successful in my life

1 reply

ansari @ghania

People are like this but dont worry everything will be okay and dont cry over people that dont care about deserve much more better than that you just need to wait for the right time you needbto wait for the right time dont waste your precious tear over useless people you are not an deserve better and you should stay away from people like this otherwise it will only hurt you but there are people who truly care for you and love you so dont waste your time on people that doesnt even care about you. Care about those who care for you and love you


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