Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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It has been three months since we broke up. I still can’t stop thinking about her. The sudden burst of memories make me anxious and breathless. I feel like shit. I am trying my best to keep myself occupied but small things here and there reminds me of her. I don’t know how to feel normal again.

4 replies

All your feelings are valid buddy.


Nights are the worse. I am too tired to work but unable to sleep at the same time. I feel lonely and stupid.


Yesss. anyhow we manage to go thru day… but night kills

Nah don’t feel stupid, u came a long way atleast be proud for that


Buddy emotional breakdown are the worst we can’t even talk to anyone about them clearly because we think they will judge and they do so , for a boy it’s like bhai tera toh kaat gya . But they won’t ever cheer you up but this is the time where you need to get strong and tell this world


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