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It has been more than 3 months since we broke up. I was able to ignore my feelings by keeping myself busy in work but from the last 2-3 days I have been missing her. I am unable to work properly… I don’t know what to do.

11 replies

Idk the reason for the breakup but if u wanna get over her the
You need to trust the process of getting over her , first u need actually remove all the memory you have of her , stop thinking about her, make new friends .
But then also if u can’t stop thinking about her then win her back , if u love her enough then you should get back with her but then if the reason is cheating then it has happened for good and move on.


Making news friends… that’s something I am not good at. I have limited friends. I overthink a lot and that doesn’t really help the cause. As far as getting her back is concerned… I don’t really know what to do


it’s okay ! I am here if u wanna talk about it ! Face your emotions don’t ignore it , be sad for one whole day or a week but once youre done don’t think about it again again, move on .


Don’t be harsh on yourself so mch, and keeping yourself bssy won’t help for a long term, it might remove her thoughts from your mind for few weeks but not more than that. So instead for ignoring your feelings, just sit down and face them, feel them, let that sink in, i know it is hard, but i have been through this, i also missed him so mch. But that will only hurt you, so i am suggesting you please do this.
And you need someone to talk to, please talk to anyone, open up and trust the universe.


I used to talk to friends a lot when it happened but I now don’t feel like talking to anyone as such especially when I am asked to explain or justify something. I am in that phase where I don’t even feel like putting up my opinion when it comes to conversations or discussions. I run away from a possibility of an argument. And as far as facing the truth is concerned I very well know nothing is gonna happen but that thought of never meeting or talking to that person again is chilling


You don’t need to justify yourself, and it’s okay to feel something like that but don’t ignore those conversations and most importantly don’t ignore your feelings but for the record this is a good thing that this fact is not concerning you about not meeting her again.
You are progressing dude, just be on that way only ❣️


I think I didn’t use the right words. Thought of not meeting her again makes my anxious


Ohh yeah, actually that only, also read that twice ki is that chilling, but what you are feeling rn is vert common know, mtlb ki ab don’t know next when you will see her and this thought will kill you and might be you can also do something intentionally so that ki tum usse mil sko, but these things are common, so it’s okay to feel these but yeah this will take time


Thank you for the advice. I will keep that in mind.


My pleasure 😊


Hi. if cheating or violence is the reason for the breakup, then what happened is for the good of both parties. Don’t look back and continue walking away.

However, if the reason is fear of commitment or misunderstanding, this period is the perfect time to re-evaluate your relationship and yourself. Identify the things that need to be improved and ask yourself if you love her enough to fix things and make the relationship work. If you are now sure of your feelings, go win her back. if she still has feelings for you or wants to give the relationship a chance, good but if she declines, that is okay. What is important you’ve tried. If you decide that you don’t love her enough to pursue her, then be patient with yourself and continue your journey moving on.

Maintaining the relationship is not easy. It really requires commitment. The same is true with moving on. Just be patient and pray. Trust God.

“He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.
He counts the stars and assigns each a name.
Our Lord is great, with limitless strength;
We’ll never comprehend what he knows and does.
God puts the fallen on their feet again.”
— Psalm 147:2-6


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