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It feels like there is something wrong with me, but i cant seem to pinpoint it. I dont have the same drive and passion for my work or my life as i used to have before.

4 replies

m s @mhs

I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I feel it too and sometimes it makes me really wonder what I’m doing in life and that can really bring you down. The only way to get out of this cycle is to break it. Just start giving it your best. Pay attention to the things that make you happy and bring you joy. Do those things more often. Look at what demotivates you and brings you down and find out why it’s bothering you. Focusing on yourself and just jumping right back in really helps get out of a saddening rut sometimes. I hope you get your energy and drive back soon.


Thank you so much for this answer! It is tough sometimes… and it is really getting in the way of life. I feel scared to change jobs because i feel secure where i am… but i hope it gets better

m s @mhs

Fearing change is absolutely normal. But sometimes you have to break free from your confort zone, your sage spaces and just take a leap of faith. If you think another job is more suitable or beneficial to you or will make you happy, go for it. Take a risk, even I it doesn’t work out you won’t have to regret what could have been


Thank you for the encouraging words. Already feels better. It can help just that you get theese things off of you chest


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