Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought

Adri Farm @adrika

Is very thing beautiful hard to get ?
Is it always so that anything beautiful or dear ,we have to struggle for it?
Is it really that hard, or is it that we are making it hard for ourselves?
Is it cause all the beautiful feelings and things left us at a point no matter how hard we tried. Or is it the bitter reality we don’t understand that nothing is permanent?
Is it that we make things complicated for ourselves , or that life is complex the way it is ,that we can’t cope up with it?
Is it that we alway need to constrain ourselves to logic and moral to live a ethical and good life , or is it that we are just afraid off ourselves and the world, that we feel restricted to do want the heart feels and be our true self?
Is it that we are constantly contradicting with ourselves and the world to adhere harmonious into this society where we don’t know to put use of our own individuality ? Or is dichotomy the nature of the universe contradicting yet cohering in a beautiful way as the day meets the night to become the dawn or twilight yet not knowing its own significance?
Is it what the heart speaks to us is right or the mind ? Or is it just the chemical and neurological reaction towards the situation, the current state or the body and our perceptions that we obey to?
Is it just that there will be millions of thoughts and questions that will never get answers and will never get it’s peace , that we remain wounded no matter how hard we try to heal ?
Is this reality or are we just forced to shrug off these questions?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
5 replies

Taskin @lone_wolf

Healings is not a overnight process. It takes time to heal. But what actually happen is in the healing process we got hurt again & the cycle continues.
It’s better only to try for self improvement & do things for yourself. Easy to say hard to try I know. But a gentle reminder to love yourself won’t hurt. Right?

Adri Farm @adrika

Well that’s exactly what I’m doing . Things are good , i guess it’s the perspective we see the world. There are a million possibilities and circumstances it’s what we think we become.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

🌝 I don’t know how to answer your questions…it might take 1000 lifetimes 😆😆😆 Well written…it’s good 👍 Take care 🧡

Adri Farm @adrika

Hey thanks buddy. 😇


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