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Is there anyone who want to become friends… A genuine one…its not like I don’t have any friends but I still feel lonely sometimes and can’t talk about certain things to them… sometimes I really feel no one needs me in the group. There are lot things which I want to tell my friends about myself the “real self” not the one which I show but I am not able to…i feel that they will judge me and not be the same anymore…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kiddo
9 replies
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Same feels here!

Abhinav sharma @mel09


Profile picture for Now&Me member @kiddo

kiddoo @kiddo


Anchal Sharma @blessedmess

Ohh here you go bestie… that’s the same with me…I toh don’t even hangout with that so called friend group just got one real friend but can’t meet her often…feel free to express here

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Woww that’s great


Guys how can we talk with each other like it’s my first time on this app ? Just replying in the comments


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