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Is there anyone here who can understand what’s it like to be raised in a household where the father is narcissistic af and the mother is struggling with mental health issues who continue to take medicines for years and rejecting therapy for years and dump everything on me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hai
4 replies

Yup I can understand…but don’t overthink…calm urself by meditation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hai

N D @hai

I’ll try, thank you


I can feel you. It sucks. And because of my parents, I myself went into a pretty dark phase and I was alone there. Nobody could help me out because I had no friends. But, I knew that the only person who could save me was me. So I started talking to myself. And everyday, I felt a little lighter. You also shouldn’t really take that extra load, even though you’re sort of forced to take it. You hear things, you discard them from the other ear. Plug in your earphones, listen to what comforts you. Maybe try talking about it with your very close friends. If not, just start journaling. That helps too. But don’t let it build up.


Thank you


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