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Naina Talwar @no_one8

Is the concept of rebirth and reincarnation true? If it’s true,is past life regression therapy the key towards truth or is is just an illusion?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bumblebee800
10 replies
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Naina Talwar @no_one8

Tysm for the info😇

bhatnagar Isha @sayschime3

That seems like a premonition to me.


Yeah reincarnation will happen, if some one wants the person to reincarnate…

Naina Talwar @no_one8

But how can I be sure?

Kabir @some_one8

Don’t worry I am there with you in every lifetime 🥰

Naina Talwar @no_one8

We are one and can never be separated, our souls are one forever ❤

bhatnagar Isha @sayschime3

I think that’s a rather subjective question. It’s a belief of several Asian religions- Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. It’s a belief, let me emphasize on it.
However a year ago, I remember coming across a few articles that specified about it.
There were many cases reportedly from young children, who seemingly gave details about their past life. Which was later verified.
If you want to further case study, or know better about this philosophical concept- you should go through the case of Ryan Hammons.

And, it might look seem bizzare and untrue. Since, there aren’t any solid or physical proofs, we can’t say anything about it.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @bumblebee800

Abhii @bumblebee800

Maybe rebirth is true… But kindly don’t waste ur money on past regression therapy
Move ahead, focus on ur life and become a better version of urself


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