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Is she better than me? Does she write longer morning and night paras for you to make you feel extra special? Does she stay up lil more late to make sure you’re okay and sleep well even when she gotta wake up at 5 the next morning like me? Do she reminds you about taking your pills each morning and remembers your schedule like I used to regardless of the time difference? Is she always there for you whenever you need her like me irrespective of the time? Is she prettier than me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aniii
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yes she is beautiful

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @aniii

She may be all you mentioned but in no ways should you compare yourself to her. You are YOU and that is unique and beautiful.
If any guy ever makes you question yourself and your worth, he isn’t worth it, girl! You deserve only love. 🤍

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It was a girl lmao my first gf. Dated a few guys before took time to get over them but eventually I did because I accepted it. It’s kinda hard to forget her the more I tried to distance myself the more I fell for her. Even though she did me wrong for some reason I still can’t hate her gotta accept that she isn’t the girl I loved and changed. Guess I’m never dating again.

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Just yesterday I was all different I thought I accepted it and was ready to move on I decided to look on the bright side but now here we’re again.

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Brain knows but heart isn’t ready to accept someone tell this stupid heart things aren’t same as they were before. She isn’t the same person you fell in love with 💔


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