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Is postpartum depression a real thing? If yes, how do you recognise it?

5 replies

shailza batra @shailzabat...

Hey, yes it is a real thing. The symptoms usually includes being uninterested towards the baby, being angry and feeling helpless or worthless. You can browse through google for more detailed information.


Thank you. I did google but I wanted someone to let me know the real thing. How do you combat it?


Don’t google it.
Rather ask your doctor about it or consult helpline provided in resource section.


My husband visits the doc along with me. Not sure if mental health is something he will understand.


I think you can definitely tell him about how you feel. If this is not what you want. You can call your doctor when husband is not around and discuss about how you feel.

Still i feel husband will understand you, it would be best to discuss this …


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