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โ€บ3am Thoughtsโ€บThought

av @warrior01

Is our subconscious mind a - friend or an enemy or just what it is -what we make out of it.

Sometimes I think, its just a simulation controlled by someone else. That made subconscious so much stronger than our conscious self no matter what.

Its a weakness of being an evolved specie.

Will u get neuralink transplant if that could give u access to ur subconscious self ? what would that experience be ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhruta_17

dhruta @dhruta_17


Yeah is true yarr even i feel this like is our subconscious mind part of us or just stimulation or may be all this is illusions that are subconscious mind is showing us


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