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Is it weird to feel for someone who is already engaged to someone else…like a few days before his engagement he was talking to me and telling me that he loved me. But when i asked about a relationship he told me he wanted to make me his life partner but he can’t because his engagement is fixed. That moment literally broke me but still he wanted me to stay in a secret relationship with him. Eventually we ended whatever we had and it’s been almost a month and till today i cannot dtop myself from thinking about him.
I don’t want to but i can not do anything to stop these thoughts.

6 replies

Issokay. Its only a month. You need time. Give it time.

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Okay first of girlll get over him ! If while he was engaged he was seeing you , he may do the same thing to you (if you go ahead with him). That’s not what someone does, it’s morally and ethically wrong .
Thank god you realised within a month. Give it time . You will get over !


The hurt is still fresh, cannot imagine what you are going through, but give yourself the time and liberty to feel your emotions and LIFE as it comes.
I think time doesn’t heal things but it gets you to a point where whatever hurt you doesn’t bother/matter anymore, I know it sounds basic, but give it time, much love , take care ;)

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