Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Is it possible to stop overthinking? I just want to stop overthinking … it’s makes my mental health worst but I can’t stop it😔. I was never an overthinker but I became one, I don’t know why… I just think,think and think and make it more worst, then i had mental breakdown. I also started having really bad mood swings,like suddenly I started feeling really sad but don’t know the reason ,I started crying without any reason ,I can’t concentrate on my studies,I can’t concentrate on anything. I’m so tired of everything.
What should I do? to stop this😔

8 replies

Does it feel empty or u feel agitated from your thoughts?


Most of the time it felt empty…


Do u feel the urge to talk to someone or feel lonely if so u can follow the things i wrote if u wish


Yes that would be very helpful 🙂

RKT @rkt103

Take it easy let the thoughts flow don’t deliberately force it. Feel your thoughts without judgement. U can try anxiety breathing technique and meditation for long term


I’ll try…




If you get any solution, please tell me too


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