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Is it possible to never be able to forget someone?
It’s been almost a year and I can’t forget him, he’s dating someone else, and I can’t even talk to other guys, everything reminds me of him. I can’t love someone else the way I loved him. I feel like I’ll never be happy.
The only thing that I want is to forget him and be happy again. Even if I will never fall in love again, at least I don’t wanna love someone that isn’t mine, someone that hurt me that much and left me on tears.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

The day we overcome somebody and when see them/hear their name/talk about them and don’t feel bad or reminds of the past is the right thing to see if you are over somebody. The day when someone randomly asks “Hey! how’s everything with xyz person and you say we broke up” and not feel terrible again for the whole thing is again the right way to judge if you have overcome that person.
I hope you understand this!

It is not important to unlove someone but it is important to forget (the tag what he did and holding onto the same thing again and agin) and move ahead. He was a part of your life so why should you forget him? You have to rather accept the fact that “he was a part of your life” and will always remain a past and I have a future infront of me waiting.
One needs to deal with emotions to overcome rather than ignoring the whole thing and YES, it make take more than a year but it always does. My friend took more than a year to move on with his ex-boyfriend.


Maybe what i need right now is acceptance. I have to accept that he doesn’t love me anymore, he has move on so should I. Maybe than i’ll be happy again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Yes. Acceptance is important in any field in order to move ahead.
You will too slowly!💙


What I have learned from my past relationship is we never forget. We block memories.
But one day or the other, something would remind us of them. And we go back to the same place we were emotionally. And have to get over it every time this happens. It would be like going through a break up every single time.
But if you accept and move on, I assure you, you can cherish those good times you both shared. It is not easy, it will take time. You will be sad. You will miss him. But I assure, you will feel so much better. Maybe not tomorrow. Maybe not next week or month. Not even year.
But you will feel better. Then he will be this guy you dated. Not The guy you date.
Good Luck !
Hope you find inner peace and happiness ❤️


To find my inner peace and happiness… that’s all I want.
Thank you for these amazing words❤️


I’m stuck in same situation. I had a breakup in March but still I… 🙂


Love comes and go and time is the answer to everything. Is he your first love? they always say first love is the hardest to forget but if he can move on so could you, continue searching for your own love in your own life.


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